Understanding The Indiana Workers’ Compensation Act And How It Affects You

If you have suffered an injury on the job, you probably have concerns about your health, access to health care, lost wages and more. Our attorneys are extremely familiar with the Indiana Workers’ Compensation Act and how it can be used to maximize workers’ comp benefits for those injured on construction sites and other types of jobs. We have helped clients in Indianapolis, Indiana, and surrounding communities, including Kokomo, secure favorable results.

We know how the physical and emotional repercussions of a work-related injury can be overwhelming. That is why we are here to help advise you on your rights and secure the benefits that you will need in order to cope with your losses. Contact us online today or call us at 317-566-9600 to schedule your free consultation and learn more about how we can help you.

Who Is Covered Under The Workers’ Compensation Act?

Indiana state law requires employers to purchase workers’ compensation insurance for all employees, including temporary employees and minors. Penalties can be assessed against employers who do not purchase workers’ compensation insurance. Damages for workers’ compensation claims are awarded for new injuries that occurred during the course and scope of employment and aggravation of old injuries by new employment-related injuries.

Which Benefits May Be Awarded?

Indiana law limits what can be recovered beyond what is specified in the Indiana Employer Protection Act. If your work injury claim has been approved by your employer’s insurance carrier, you can receive:

  • Two-thirds of your average weekly wage during the time that you are ordered not to work by the insurance company’s authorized physician
  • Payment for a permanent partial impairment or a partial disability classified by the insurance company’s authorized physician
  • Payment of medical expenses to physicians authorized by the insurance company and reimbursement of related out-of-pocket expenses, including medication and mileage if you are required to travel beyond the county of your employer.

Do I Need Legal Representation For Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation law is complex, and each case has its own unique circumstances. A workers’ compensation lawyer can review your case and resolve any disputes between you and your employer and maximize the payout of lost wages and medical care under the Indiana Workers’ Compensation Act. Our attorneys have the skills to prove the full extent of damage and losses, resulting in better compensation and peace of mind for our clients.

“It was an informative experience and very professional.​” – Former Social Security Client

Workers’ compensation law can be difficult to navigate, and so claimants without an intimate knowledge of these policies are at a distinct disadvantage. Without the help of an experienced workers’ compensation attorney, you may find that your losses and expenses are not adequately covered. You have expertise in your field, and we are experts in ours. We are proud to stand up for the rights of injured workers to make sure they receive the compensation they will need to rebuild their lives in the wake of an injury.

Contact Our Team Today

We know the emotional, physical and financial pressure a work-related injury can cause. We can provide you with exceptional legal representation to help you collect the compensation you need. To schedule your free case review, contact us online today.


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