Indiana Construction Accident Lawyer in Indianapolis Defends Contingency Fees for Clients. Insurance companies hate contingency fees for injured workers because they level the playing field. Insurance companies pay their lawyers an hourly rate that is the same whether...
Construction Accidents
Indiana Construction Accident Lawyer Indianapolis Joins Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction
Your Indiana Construction Accident Lawyer in Indianapolis is pleased to support the Laborers International Union Of North America, (LIUNA) program called “The Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction.” Falls are the largest threat to construction workers, but can be...
Spanish Indianapolis Construction Accident Cases – Work Injury Lawyer Indiana
John Daly es un Entrena- dor de Seguridad en Construcción autorizado por la OSHA con certifica- ciones de seguridad en Erección de Acero, Anda- miaje, Camión Elevador y Elevador de Tijeras. Él es graduado de los cursos de capacitación de la OSHA de 10 horas; 30 horas,...
Crane Accidents are Preventable
Most crane accidents are preventable. Recently, yet another tragic crane accident death made the news. The accident occurred in New York City on April 3, 2012. Apparently, a 25-year-old construction worker was crushed after a partial building collapse in a residential...
Ounce of Prevention: OSHA Statistics on Construction Accident Deaths from Your Indiana Construction Accident Lawyer in Indianapolis
OSHA and IOSHA keep statistics on fatal construction accidents in Indiana and throughout the country. Unfortunately, your Indiana Construction Accident Lawyer has seen first hand the family devastation after a workplace fatality. Indiana Workers Compensation provides...
Need a Lawyer for an Indiana Construction Accident? Your Indiana Construction Accident Lawyer in Indianapolis is Here to Help
No one wants to be in a position where they need to hire a lawyer, and no one wants to be taken advantage of by an insurance company. At Golitko & Daly, our Indiana construction accident and worker's compensation lawyers are here to help. How insurance companies...